Efficient Resource Allocation: Unlocking Cost Savings through Right Sizing in the Cloud
The CostDeMaze platform offered comprehensive cost optimization reports, enabled the customer to track the impact of right sizing initiatives. These reports provide visibility into cost savings achieved, performance improvements, and ongoing recommendations for further optimization.
Background & Challenge
The company is a registered non-banking finance company (NBFC) with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The company provides small business and mortgage loans to eligible borrowers to meet their business and personal needs. As the company has grown, so have its cloud footprint and bill. Their tech team needed to gain visibility into cloud expenses and ensure compute infrastructure efficiency.
Facing increasing AWS costs, the tech team fielded questions about overall cloud spend. Cost optimisation became a priority across the organisation. The tech team needed to better understand what was being spent and if those resources were being used as efficiently as possible.
But gaining that visibility and implementing optimisation measures was no easy task for a tech team reliant on time-consuming manual processes.
The Solution
The company turned to CostDeMaze to dig into its cloud spend and get actionable insights. Taking recommendations to right-size instances for cluster efficiency enabled additional cost savings. CostDeMaze allowed the company to easily see the spend alongside clear, actionable insights to increase efficiency in our infrastructure and cut costs. Also enabled continuous right-sizing of workspaces and cost reduction of underutilised storage using platform recommendations.
Identified unallocated resources — and reduced overall AWS spend by 17%.
Enabled the use of spot instances to achieve significant cost savings without compromising availability and performance
Improved cost projections and eliminated billing surprises
Cleared away infrastructural excess
Power in Numbers
70k USD
600k USD
Cloud Spend